I recently received an email from the GOP stating that: “Renaldo, we plan to launch a lawsuit in response to Biden’s FASCIST vaccine mandate….”
It is the conclusion that #Biden’s mandates are unconstitutional & the @GOP will be launching an aggressive lawsuit against #Biden. I’ve argued that #covid mandates are illegal & predicted lawsuits…well we are at that juncture and private businesses who have requirements may also be affected if the challenge is successful, and there’s no doubt in my mind that the challenge won’t produce a victory for those whose lives are affected by this unamerican mandate that takes away American rights and individualism.
I must state emphatically here that I’m not against #vaccines. A man said to me this week in #philly while waiting in line at #crownfriedchicken that he’s never been vaccinated & he’s never been ill. Great I said, but I’ve been vaccinated & have been ok. What was the vital takeaway here; was that we both were able to exercise our American rights and #individualism. We exercised our positions about the vaccine. That’s what at issue here… you know.
Nevertheless, some may argue that the ends justify the means and that the vaccines protect against transmission, but it does not. That’s a false notion. It only protects the individual from severe symptoms leading to death. Now, if I am suspicious about that and have reason to be, is it not my right to choose whether to believe and to act upon that.
Now, if we say that smoking kills, and that secondhand smoking is even more dangerous for the persons exposed to its indirect affect so that we have rules about smoking indoors, why is it that we have not banned smoking or have some cigarette mandate against smoking. We do not. It is up to the individual to make that decision about whether to smoke or not.
Yet we have not done the same with covid. If the vaccines only prevent severe symptoms, then all the vaccinated are generally protected against that kind of severity; it’s the unvaccinated that are then at risk and they have that choice to protect themselves against that risk, if they believe that there’s an actual risk and that the vaccines actually do what we say they do – protect. Further, the efficacy of the vaccines have changed several times over the period that we have heard of their invention. It went from 95 percent prevention to no prevention at all. Moreover, we were told at first that once vaccinated, the transmission would be minimal, yet the vaccines do not prevent transmission or infection. They are still studying the virus and the vaccines, so that they are unable to provide any definitive answer regarding the vaccines.
Furthermore, we have a mandate to get vaccinated; yet the mandates are exclusive or selective, only the #pfizer vaccine carries a mandate, and if that’s the case that’s a problem, we then privilege one product over another when many have taken #moderna or #johnsonandjohnson or #astrazeneca. So then, this GOP challenge will be revealing and organizations that place mandates on their hires may now reevaluate this requirement.