The NeoLiberal Corporation, June 8, 2023 – The Urban Indian Heritage Society (UIHS) is making waves with its groundbreaking research and theory that challenges the conventional understanding of American families’ heritage. In a special presentation at The Jamaica Theological Seminary’s Caribbean Thought class, the UIHS will discuss their compelling arguments regarding Jamaica’s identity and heritage, specifically in relation to the Urban Indians and Taino peoples who were the original inhabitants of the land.


Contrary to popular belief, the UIHS contends that Jamaicans may have a rich history connected to the native Indians of the island. While acknowledging the presence of East Indians and Chinese who arrived during the era of indentured labor, the UIHS emphasizes the need to reexamine Jamaica’s history beyond the predominant African heritage resulting from the era of the slave trade.

Dr. Nolan Fontaine, ED.D, and Author Phoenix Moon, Founders and Heads at the Urban Indian Heritage Society, will lead the presentation and present their research findings. They argue that genealogical research reveals an urban American Indian root in Jamaica, challenging the established narrative of the island’s history.

In addition to their research, the UIHS has organized a petition titled “Remedy for the Misclassified People of North America!” The petition demands the enactment of the American Indian Inclusion Act to address the mistreatment and erasure of the Misclassified American Indian by the United States Government. The petition includes a comprehensive list of demands, such as reclassification of ethnic birthrights, the return of occupied American Indian lands, restitution, punitive damages, and institutional reform.

Key demands outlined in the petition include the establishment of a genealogical committee to examine bloodline lineage, the creation of an oversight committee for tribal membership appeals, and the recognition of the American Indian Political Party. The petition also calls for the removal of taxation on American Indian lands, the repeal of HR 4238, special reform bills for social services and education, and the implementation of American Indian studies throughout educational institutions.


To bring attention to their cause, the UIHS will present the petition and a detailed manifesto of grievances to the United States Congress. The society seeks public hearings and the formation of oversight committees to review and implement the American Indian Inclusion Act, aiming to rectify the historical injustices faced by the misclassified American Indian.


The UIHS’s special presentation at The Jamaica Theological Seminary’s Caribbean Thought class is scheduled for Monday, June 12th, 2023, from 6pm to 9pm. The presentation can be accessed via the following link:

Join Dr. Nolan Fontaine, ED.D, Phoenix Moon, and the Urban Indian Heritage Society as they challenge the misclassification of American families’ heritage and shed light on Jamaica’s rich history.

Jamaica Theological Seminary from 1960 – Present

For media inquiries, please contact: Rev. Renaldo C. McKenzie, Adjunct Professor in Caribbean Thought at Jamaica Theological Seminary and President at The NeoLiberal Corporation/Author of Neoliberalism Email: [email protected], [email protected].

Members of the Urban Indian Heritage Society

About Urban Indian Heritage Society (UIHS): The Urban Indian Heritage Society (UIHS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the heritage and rights of American Indians and challenging the misclassification of individuals’ ethnic backgrounds. Through research, advocacy, and education, the UIHS aims to raise awareness and seek justice for the misclassified American Indian community:

Here’s a recent interview we did with the UIHS leaders on The Neoliberal Round Podcast in Video and Audio Podcast.

On YouTube: 

On Spotify: 


We encourage attendees to engage in a thoughtful dialogue during the lecture and hopes that the presentation by the UIHS will challenge preconceived notions and prompt further exploration of Jamaica’s diverse heritage.

About Rev. Renaldo McKenzie: Adjunct Lecturer at Jamaica Theological Seminary and the President of The Neoliberal Corporation. With a passion for uncovering historical truths and promoting open dialogue, Rev. McKenzie aims to challenge conventional narratives and foster a deeper understanding of cultural heritage –

Jamaica Theological Seminary from 1960 – Present

About Jamaica Theological Seminary – Launched in 1960, the Jamaica Theological Seminary (JTS) is an institution grounded in the Christian community and primarily serving the people of Jamaica and the Caribbean, with a university-level programme of study –


The Neoliberal Corporation was launched on March 23, 2021, by Rev. Renaldo McKenzie as a “think tank”, News Commentary, social media and publishing company Serving the world today to solve tomorrow’s challenges by making popular what was the monopoly –

The Neoliberal Corporation Serving the world today to solve tomorrow’s challenges

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