Did you hear that yesterday, #whiteextremists from #washington attacked and injured some #blackandbrown people in #centercity #philadelphia telling them to get out of “filly,” A predominantly black city that had the Underground Railroad, the day before Independence Day.
In fact, one of the Philadelphian black residents caught in the attack is a member of my Church and today, her mother shared about how terrifying the experience was for her daughter who is still suffering from the trauma and had sustained injuries to her body and damages to her vehicle.
In doing so the #whiteextremists wanted to send a message saying that this Independent America is not your #america. It’s for #whites. Today is Independence Day But what are we talking about? WHITE EXTREMISM
Today we celebrate #independenceday in the #USA. But as we commemorate this day, we also remember that the #independencewe celebrate today was only for a privileged few #whiteamericans it wasn’t until 1964 that #blackpeople got #civilrights in #America, long after Independence.
And #19th amendment which secures women’s rights to vote in the #US was only passed in #1919 long after We got independence. There are still Americans who are still treated as 2nd class or without rights. #Classism #Poverty #racism & #extremism continue to plague #freeamerica. And what is worse, while some Americans independence comes natural, others have to have a piece of paper that guarantee their rights to be free men or women, white or black, gay or straight. While #Whitemen need no external gift that assures rights. Others of us lack this naturally.
Some of our abilities and rights to be independent Americans and human is contingent on an external force handed down to us as some gift that is not inherent; it is a power dynamic that continues to disadvantage others as it conditions this top-down dynamic #thehavesandhavenots
July4th #whitemen are free! They are inherently independent without any external or internal force that grant them any created freedoms. But for #blackpeople. Their rights are granted and today they live not as inherently freed men but men whose freedoms are granted.
It’s as if we’re a country that was a colony. Why couldn’t we just have gotten up one day & walk into a segregated area & just get certain access that was once denied? Why does it take for legislation on paper that grant me a black man my freedom to be able to live freely as an equal race when others just have that right?
Get out of FILLY THATS HOW THE SUPREMACIST SPELLED PHILLY. Is it that they couldn’t spell? No. It was deliberate and intentional. It was a play upon words (a Pun). You see Philadelphia in Greek translates brotherly love. It’s the city of brotherly love. But the supremacist group wanted to communicate that “there ain’t no love here between us and you” you’re not our brothers or sisters. They didn’t want to send an ambivalent message and wanted a clear message sent to blacks that you don’t belong in FILLY FOR PHILLY AINT NO CITY OF LOVE. It was intentional this misspelling. It was a pun a play upon a word to signal HATE!
The police are everyday everywhere sitting in their cars incognito in corners and in clear views in busy black neighborhoods intimidating us with their presence, surveilling us as if we are already criminals, as if to profile us as prone to snap into criminality at any time. While they stood by and watched white hate groups march through Philadelphia center city damaging vehicles and injuring residents as they flee in fear of their lives! No one was arrested! The Supremacist had done their job. Inciting fear, for after the January 6, any bunch of white hate group marching erupts tensions that brings up the US Capital Riots.
It’s a haven for drugs they say. But let’s call it what it is, a place where young boys who are wired to do one thing and is to sell cheap weed to a demanding public that only buys that weed on the streets.
The post was written by Rev. Renaldo McKenzie who is author of Neoliberalism Globalization Income Inequality Poverty and Resistance which will be in audiobook via audible July 12 latest.
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