Read the New Book “Neoliberalism, Globalization, IncomeInequality, Poverty And Resistance.”

Neoliberalism is available in paperback @The NeoLiberal Bookstore; or you may purchase from; Amazon and etc. It may not be available for purchase from those distributors until May 4th or 5th. But if you cannot wait you can get it from us at the Bookstore.
The E-book will be available in paperback May 14th, 2021. Please our website
Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty, and Resistance is an examination of history, race, philosophy, politics, economics and social resistance in relation to the United States, Jamaica, other former colonized countries, and the world at large. Neoliberalism is an in-depth look at how large-scale Western capitalist forces affect and, in general, harm smaller countries and their own citizens who are usually black, brown or people of the Global South. The book uses Jamaica and the US to provide context and a case study. In the second part of the book, we consider the response to the processes of decolonization and globalization that have deepened the realities of the peoples of the Global South and the peoples in the diaspora. There have been hundreds of protests against the Washington Consensus and their lackeys since 1976 by the global justice movement and recently the Black Lives Matter movement in America. Street protests and some degree of violence have been the main strategies of the group until recent- ly. But are the resistance movements closer to achieving their aims? The effectiveness of the resistance will be determined by the extent to which they have realized actual power: “demonstrated change in the desired direction.

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