In the wake of the devastating Georgia High School shooting, the nation is left reeling from the tragedy that claimed the lives of four individuals. The suspect, a 14-year-old boy, now faces murder charges. However, what makes this heartbreaking event even more disturbing is the apparent forewarning—a desperate call from the boy’s mother to the school counselor, raising an “extreme […]
A Mother’s Desperate Plea: The Georgia High School Shooting and Systemic Failures
Announcing Oppenheimer’s: The Rise And Fall Of The Student Nonviolence Coordinating Committee
Martin Oppenheimer has a new book out. It is entitled “The Rise And Fall Of The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee,” published in April 2024. The book is an expert analysis of SNCC’s history from its inception to now. With a deep understanding of protest movements in America, and his work as a Sociologist and Professor at Rutgers, Penn, and Lincoln […]
Exploring Changing Attitudes towards Afro-Caribbean Beliefs in Jamaica: A Study of Socio-Political, Religious, and Cultural Influences
Research Plan: On Valuing African Identity through religious affirmations of African traditions. In this Research, we aim to “Explore Changing Attitudes towards Afro-Caribbean Beliefs in Jamaica and the Caribbean: A Study of Socio-Political, Religious, and Cultural Influences. If you’re Jamaican, Caribbean whether living in the Caribbean region or outside of it as a member of the diaspora, in this research […]