In the wake of the devastating Georgia High School shooting, the nation is left reeling from the tragedy that claimed the lives of four individuals. The suspect, a 14-year-old boy, now faces murder charges. However, what makes this heartbreaking event even more disturbing is the apparent forewarning—a desperate call from the boy’s mother to the school counselor, raising an “extreme […]
A Mother’s Desperate Plea: The Georgia High School Shooting and Systemic Failures
Editorial: Why the Police Must Stay Out of Politics
The role of the police in society is built on a foundation of impartiality, integrity, and a commitment to serve and protect all citizens, free from political bias. However, recent developments have raised serious concerns about the intersection of law enforcement and political endorsements—most notably, the police unions’ support of Donald Trump, a convict facing multiple legal challenges, and someone […]
Exploring Kamala Harris’ Racial Identity: A Controversial Debate
Introduction The racial identity of Vice President Kamala Harris has become a contentious issue, particularly among GOP circles. Critics argue that Harris has adjusted her racial identity from being primarily Indian to a combination of Indian and Black, allegedly for political advantage. Harris and her supporters, including Donna Brazile, have strongly pushed back, labeling these critiques as attacks on her […]
Questions Arise After Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump at Rally
Recent events at the Donald Trump rally have raised serious concerns. Eyewitnesses report seeing a 20-year-old (Thomas Crooks) attempting to assassinate Donald Trump by climbing a building with a rifle, an area that should have been secured. Despite alerting law enforcement, bystanders observed no immediate action. Furthermore, Secret Service agents were seen on a roof behind Trump, aiming their guns […]