Announcing Oppenheimer’s: The Rise And Fall Of The Student Nonviolence Coordinating Committee

Martin Oppenheimer has a new book out. It is entitled “The Rise And Fall Of The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee,” published in April 2024. The book is an expert analysis of SNCC’s history from its inception to now. With a deep understanding of protest movements in America, and his work as a Sociologist and Professor at Rutgers, Penn, and Lincoln […]

Should Theology Transcend Culture? Excerpt to Caribbean Thought by Renaldo McKenzie

The relationship between theology and culture is a complex and multifaceted one, with scholars and practitioners offering differing perspectives on whether theology should transcend culture or be deeply embedded within it. To address this question, it is essential to define theology and culture and explore their interplay in both historical and contemporary contexts.     Theology, at its core, is […]

Navigating the Changing Landscape: The Role of Education in Today’s Workforce

In today’s dynamic business environment, the landscape of employment is undergoing significant shifts. Businesses are reevaluating their hiring policies, with some opting to accept workers without traditional college degrees. This trend, coupled with changes in high school education and evolving expectations in professionalism, has raised questions about the role of education in the workforce. The traditional pathway from high school […]

The Prey and the Predator: Understanding Human and Animal Responses to Conflict

In the complex and fraught arena of conflict, the dynamics between predator and prey often mirror those seen in the natural world. When attacked and cornered, the instinctive responses of fright, flight, or fight come to the fore. This fundamental survival mechanism, ingrained in both humans and animals, shapes the course of conflicts and wars.     On October 7th, […]