The Latest Podcast From The NeoLiberal Round

By: Renaldo C. McKenzie

If God is or the Divine is the Ultimate of all things;

If God is Greater than that which nothing greater can be conceived or imagined.

If God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient; how is it … that … we can put limits on him/her…. so that, we can “fix God”, in a Mould that confines him/her to our time, space or quantum physics. If God is Unlimited, why do we limit him to just one thing! (That is if we can limit him. Because we are limited, we are creatures, but we say that God is not). In fact God is beyond the word God. God is just human semantics utilized to make sense of the Divine!

So how is it, that we can just see god as Christians and not anything else?

How is it that god is just Hindu or Muslim. In fact, if god is beyond and transcends all it would seem as if he is that and more. Or that is a cultural expression of the way in which the divine reveals himself at some point in time to a particular set of people who have utilized their own context experience and culture to interpret and represent that (revelation of that ) god either as Hindu Muslim Christian or whatever the culture or the context is.

So, that when we see God, God is … Christian because those who have served to understand God within a particular culture based on his revelation of himself to them have chosen to use Christian lens

But why then say Your is exceptional and the only way that leads to the divine. Why universalize your idea of God as the only ideal expression of the God as if attain a position of privilege!