Artificial Intelligence is becoming normal talk in everyday language as society becomes more sophisticated thanks to advances in technology. According to Bergur Thormudsson of in an article entitled: Artificial Intelligence (AI) worldwide – Statistics & Facts, dated March 2, 2022 in Statista, 

Artificial intelligence (AI), once the subject of people’s imaginations and the main plot of science fiction movies for decades, is no longer a piece of fiction, but rather commonplace in people’s daily lives whether they realize it or not. AI refers to the ability of a computer or machine to mimic the competencies of the human mind, which often learns from previous experiences to understand and respond to language, decisions, and problems. These AI capabilities, such as computer vision and conversational interfaces, have become embedded throughout various industries’ standard business processes. The most prominent industries for AI adoption in organizations include high tech and telecommunications, financial services, and healthcare and pharmaceuticals.

The AI ecosystem

The current AI ecosystem consists of machine learning, robotics, artificial neural networks, and natural language processing. In machine learning, programs learn from existing data and apply this knowledge to new data or use it to predict data. The field of robotics is concerned with developing and training robots. Usually, the ability of a robot to interact with people and the world follows general rules and is predictable. However, current efforts also revolve around using deep learning to train robots to act with a certain degree of self-awareness. For more on the AI ecosystem, trends, drivers, and applications, please take a look at the Statista in-depth artificial intelligence report.

Number of startup companies working in the artificial intelligence (AI) market worldwide, as of March 2016, by category

AI investment and startups

The global AI market, valued at 142.3 billion U.S. dollars as of 2023, continues to grow driven by the influx of investments it receives. From 2020 to 2022, the total yearly corporate global investment in AI startups increased by five billion U.S. dollars, nearly double its previous investments, with much of it coming from private capital from U.S. companies. The most recent top-funded AI businesses are all machine learning and chatbot companies, focusing on human interface with machines.

Where is AI heading?

The increase in AI investment is coupled with the increasing need for AI talent. Many companies have posted job opportunities for those with AI talent across IT departments, as well as in other business areas. Organizations worldwide struggle to hire for AI-related positions, emphasizing the critical demand for workers with such skills. The AI talent shortage goes hand in hand with the overall global rise in AI and machine learning use cases throughout companies. Popular applications for AI and machine learning include improving customer experience and generating customer insights, as well as the newcomer of generative AI. Given the considerable and continuous expansion of the industry, we can expect to see more of AI in the coming years. 

Deep learning – Statistics & Facts

Artificial Intelligence (AI) market size/revenue comparisons 2018-2030

Companies with the most machine learning & AI patents worldwide 2012-2021

1. Nils-Gerrit Wunsch, Companies with the most machine learning & AI patents worldwide 2012-2021, Statista, June 2022.
2. Bergur Thormundsson, Jun 27, 2022, Companies with the most machine learning & AI patents worldwide 2012-2021, Statista.
3.  – – – – – –  – – –  – – – – – –  , Jan 11, 2023, What is the current state of affairs? Statista.
4. ———————————-, Mar. 3, 2023, Artificial Intelligence (AI) worldwide Stats and Fact,
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