You Cannot Fix the Immigration Problem, Without Addressing the International Competition Between and Among Countries that makes Rich Countries Richer and Poor Countries Poorer.

Harry Enten wrote an article in CNN Politics entitled “Why Biden has an Immigration policy problem”. According to Eten, “The issue is one of the first that puts Biden and his administration between a rock and a hard place. It’s not clear looking at the data how to politically deal with the issue. For one thing, a flow of illegal immigration across […]

“Black And Brown Peoples” Should Not be rich.” The Other People Should Be!

“Black And Brown Peoples” Should Not be rich.” The Other People Should Be!

It’s ok for the dispensaries to sell weed, because they call it Medical Marjuana which is legal. Taking advantage of the law that allows them to do so as they work in concert with politicians to kill the competition or Black and Brown people’s economic activity which is called street weed that they have criminalized and “illegitimatize”. Thereby, affecting the lives of those who can’t obtain ownership of dispensaries without having to meet criteria that the politicians in back rooms with lobbyists and capitalists, bankers and the special interests have made impossible or difficult for those “hippies”, Black and Brown people who don’t have certain ties that dispensary owners have. Such as certain connections, race and entitlements.

What a conspiracy…

“It’s chronic, the number of accidents I’m seeing in Philadelphia since #Covid retreated,” and Some Insurance Companies are Not Covering

I’m driving down #manheim road just now in #Philadelphia and I turned unto a street and I saw several emergency vehicles police cars with flashing lights. Then I saw an overturned vehicle and a feet away another car smashed up. I drove on & made a turn unto a minor road & saw a damaged car… being pushed. It was […]

The Pre-Release Audio Recording of Neoliberalism is Live Zoom

Announcing: Renaldo McKenzie is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Rev. Renaldo C. McKenzie is inviting you to a scheduled Caribbean Thought Class where he will present an audio recording of his latest book #Neoliberalism Globalization Income Inequality Poverty and Resistance as he discusses #LifeandDebt and the issues surrounding globalization, the bureaucratic phenomenon and the results: more inequality and […]