John Anthony Castro Found Guilty of All 33 Counts on Federal Tax Fraud

John Anthony Castro, a 2024 GOP U.S. Presidential Candidate who notably sued Donald Trump, has been found guilty on all 33 counts related to Federal Tax Fraud. Castro, a frequent guest on The NeoLiberal Round Podcast, had gained attention by suing Trump for violating Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. His legal challenges were discussed extensively on the podcast series […]

Announcing Oppenheimer’s: The Rise And Fall Of The Student Nonviolence Coordinating Committee

Martin Oppenheimer has a new book out. It is entitled “The Rise And Fall Of The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee,” published in April 2024. The book is an expert analysis of SNCC’s history from its inception to now. With a deep understanding of protest movements in America, and his work as a Sociologist and Professor at Rutgers, Penn, and Lincoln […]

Should Theology Transcend Culture? Excerpt to Caribbean Thought by Renaldo McKenzie

The relationship between theology and culture is a complex and multifaceted one, with scholars and practitioners offering differing perspectives on whether theology should transcend culture or be deeply embedded within it. To address this question, it is essential to define theology and culture and explore their interplay in both historical and contemporary contexts.     Theology, at its core, is […]

Navigating the Changing Landscape: The Role of Education in Today’s Workforce

In today’s dynamic business environment, the landscape of employment is undergoing significant shifts. Businesses are reevaluating their hiring policies, with some opting to accept workers without traditional college degrees. This trend, coupled with changes in high school education and evolving expectations in professionalism, has raised questions about the role of education in the workforce. The traditional pathway from high school […]

The Prey and the Predator: Understanding Human and Animal Responses to Conflict

In the complex and fraught arena of conflict, the dynamics between predator and prey often mirror those seen in the natural world. When attacked and cornered, the instinctive responses of fright, flight, or fight come to the fore. This fundamental survival mechanism, ingrained in both humans and animals, shapes the course of conflicts and wars.     On October 7th, […]

“Celebrating 3 Years of Bold Innovation,” The NeoLiberal Corporation

Today, April 21, 2024, marks a significant milestone for The NeoLiberal Corporation (The NeoLiberal). For three years, we have stood as a beacon of independent grassroots ingenuity, daring to challenge the status quo and pioneer solutions for tomorrow’s challenges. At, we invite you to join us in commemorating this journey of boldness and innovation. At The NeoLiberal, we embody […]

The Erosion of Childhood: Social Media, Substance Use, and the Crisis in Psycho-Social Development

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the traditional framework for children’s psycho-social development is being eroded. The slow, deliberate exposure to stimuli that once characterized childhood has been replaced by a world where social media reigns supreme, parental guidance is often lacking, and tolerance for potentially harmful behaviors such as marijuana use is on the rise. Gone are the days […]

Unfair Competitive Practices: The Root Cause of Immigration Crisis

Illegal Immigration as consequence of Neoliberal Globalization: The global immigration crisis is not a sudden phenomenon but rather a consequence of a long history of unfair competitive practices that have exacerbated disparities and income inequalities among nations. Post-industrial countries, particularly the United States, have wielded their economic power to maintain dominance, often at the expense of developing nations. Throughout history, […]

Understanding the TikTok Ban: Safeguarding American Interests in a Competitive World

In today’s competitive world, the global stage is fraught with political and economic competition, and one of the key players in this arena is TikTok, an imported good from China. The rise of TikTok in the US market has sparked debates surrounding its impact on American social media platforms and the need to protect national interests. China’s strict control over […]

Deciphering Support for Trump V Biden Among Black Voters in Philadelphia: Insights and Intricacies

Trump V Biden: As we delve into the dynamics of political support in Philadelphia’s black community, a pertinent question arises: Is there a growing base of support for Trump among black voters in the city, or is it confined to a subset concerned primarily about financial matters? This query navigates through complex layers of political allegiance and socioeconomic considerations. While […]