“The ability to admit that one does not have it all together is a conclusion from deep introspection, reflection and contemplation that is the beginning of living. For that is life lived in reality; realizing our frailty; and working through them with all the support we have, the inner agency and power, our faith in the ultimate and the #Grace_Of_God. […]
Inspirational Quote
PHMC Remains Keenly Focused on Serving
#PHMC continues to excel serving hundreds of thousands of Americans over the years. According to Michael Pearson of PHMC: “PHMC remains keenly focused on serving the individuals, families and communities we have been committed to for more than 50 years. Our mission to create and sustain healthy communities knows no boundary of color, creed, religion, gender, identity, citizenship or political […]
Coming up next: China, Trump and Jamaica…
Remember how Ukraine allowed Nato and US to come into Russia’s eastern turf… causing a war. Now Jamaica has allowed China another superpower into USA”s western turf. This poses a problem for PM Andrew Holness and Jamaica. I talk about it next on my podcast. Coming up Next on The Neoliberal Round Podcast: “China, Trump and Jamaica.” Is a debacle […]
A Message For Jamaicans
God can send a Rasta to save a Christian
A Message from Renaldo McKenzie, The President of The Neoliberal Corporation
The NeoLiberal Corporation is”Defending Freedom of Expression in the Political Sphere: A Stand Against Unconstitutional Censorship” The Neoliberal Corporation, https://theneoliberal.com along with The NeoLiberal Post, The NeoLiberal Journals, The NeoLiberal Round Podcast, and The NeoLiberal Round YouTube channel, has not endorsed any candidate and does not receive payment for covering political activities in our community. We are committed to offering […]
News Update: “Right Now, We’re Working on An Appeal,” John Castro’s Wife
Johanna Castro, the wife of John Anthony Castro reached out to us and provided a statement regarding John’s trial and his plans to appeal. As you know yesterday we published a story in The Neoliberal Journals and The NeoLiberal Round Podcast providing an update on John Castro’s Federal Tax Fraud case in Texas. The story entitled: John Anthony Castro Found […]
The NeoLiberal Corporation, is that good optics?
Martin Oppenheimer asked me why I was going with The Neoliberal Corporation as a company name. “Is that good optics? I thought you were against #neoliberalcorporations?” This provided an opportunity to discuss the idea behind the name; The NeoLiberal Corporation is bold. It provides a new idea of freedoms free of privileges and strategies that continue class and categories in […]
Why the Castro V Trump Lawsuit Matters in the US 2024 Presidential Elections
Of all the cases against Former President Donald Trump, Mr. John Anthony Castro’s lawsuits (Castro V Trump) may be the only one that may have the potential to block Trump’s path to the Presidency in 2024. In this epic episode of The NeoLiberal Round Podcast series, The Castro V trump Series Part 5, Mr. Castro explains how and why this […]
Notice of Copyright Infringement for Book “Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance”
We are conducting an investigation concerning copyright infringement for my Book “Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance,” by Renaldo McKenzie. The book published by The Neoliberal Corporation and Palmetto Publishing in 2021, is globally distributed through our partners IngramSpark, under specific identifiers (ISBN) that are tied to a single and specific published work. However, today we are noticing that only Barnes […]
News: Trump Announces Campaign in the Midst of Castro’s Lawsuit
Castro V. Trump matures since Trump officially announced that he is running for President, amidst John A. Castro’s new suit challenging his eligibility. Mr. John Anthony Castro, US 2024 Presidential Candidate whom we had reported delivered a suit to Former President Donald Trump regarding a case filed in the US District Court, Palm Beach Florida, challenging Trump’s eligibility as a […]