Page 160 Of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty And Resistance”)

By: Renaldo McKenzie | Author | The NeoLiberal … However, for many unlike #Fanon, it is not any ideology based in #Marxism or #capitalism that will suffice either; those systems have failed them (#Jamaicans and the #Caribbean and their diaspora) or left them in a state of #schizophrenia. Instead, Jamaicans such as #BobMarley have resorted to a solution based in […]

Question For Lecture on Ignorance False truth: A Theory of Exploiting the Masses

This is the question I pose to my students for a class lecture on Ignorance and False Truth: A Theory of Exploiting the Masses. Question: We cannot get rid of economic recession and joblessness, because they serve the ruling-class’ interests? SERVING THE WORLD … Ignorance and False truth: A Theory of Exploiting the Masses