Written by Rev. Renaldo McKenzie | Published January 7th in The Neoliberal Blog updated June 7, 2021. I’d like to update the course name “Caribbean Thought” and make some additions and changes to the course outline. The course was originally developed by Rev. Dr. Garnett Roper, former President of the Jamaica Theological Seminary. I first taught the class Spring Semester […]
Addendum to the Course “Caribbean Thought”
Page 160 Of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty And Resistance”)
By: Renaldo McKenzie | Author | The NeoLiberal … However, for many unlike #Fanon, it is not any ideology based in #Marxism or #capitalism that will suffice either; those systems have failed them (#Jamaicans and the #Caribbean and their diaspora) or left them in a state of #schizophrenia. Instead, Jamaicans such as #BobMarley have resorted to a solution based in […]
Question For Lecture on Ignorance False truth: A Theory of Exploiting the Masses
This is the question I pose to my students for a class lecture on Ignorance and False Truth: A Theory of Exploiting the Masses. Question: We cannot get rid of economic recession and joblessness, because they serve the ruling-class’ interests? http://theneoliberal.com/ SERVING THE WORLD … Ignorance and False truth: A Theory of Exploiting the Masses