Jamaicans should not mold themselves into this kind of dynamic allowing others to formulate opinions about them as if they (former colonial powers) are still in-charge & matter. @JamaicaGleaner, Jamaicans continue to see themselves in imperialists eyes & mold. They (Britain) can talk about us in condescending ways and as patents; but can we talk about them? Can you put them on your radar just as they do yours?

Asif Ahmad doesn’t have any moral authority to chide Jamaican leaders when the #UK enslaved blacks & created #colonies that they helped to destroy. Jamaica will deal with their own leaders. The thought of the UK scolding us stinks. It brings up this old #hegemonic imperialist dynamic.

Jamaica is #poor and stagnant because The UK created a colony of black people from #Africa out of Jamaica, killing the originals and then stole the profit of the locals’ labor. This has led to more Poverty so that #politicians have to be #crooked. But they need to be #strategic. Return or repatriate Jamaicans wealth and stop giving them handouts from what you stole which you have attached to certain actions and criteria that does not necessarily benefit Jamaica.

UK has put Jamaica on its “Crooked Politician Radar,” but where were they when #SouthAfrica had Apartheid? Where were they when Blacks were segregated in America? Where were they (#UK) when Christopher Columbus wiped out an entire race of people from Jamaica replacing them
black people whom they had enslaved for years, and stolen their wealth and cheapen their value? Where was the vigilance and scrutiny on national corruption and discrimination by leaders on black and brown people?

After I tweeted these comments, CaribReport Replied in a tweet: “He’s the same “AH” that told Jamaicans to pipe down about reparations while at Porsche showroom talking about his favorite Porsche.” View Carib Report Tweet

I replied in a tweet: Telling Jamaicans to pipedown about #reparations. That’s why he’s being replaced. How dare he? How should the UK…, as if we are still their colony, as if they are mother; but wait they are still our head of state. What’s up with that. We still love their #imperialist hold on us

Don’t get me started: why is our highest court still in another country, a former ruler who committed genocide against a race and would have done it to Jamaicans if they did not behave. 2021 and we still allow this imperialism where the #queen is our head! The church looks to the UK for doctrinal leadership and authority! Where again the queen is the head… Listen to the discussion and further exploration of the issue on The NeoLiberal Round Podcast Episode 1 Bonus: Are Colonies Still Colonies?

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