Is The World Really United With Ukraine Against Russia? Is Time To Change Our Strategy!

Is the World Really United With Ukraine Against Russia? It’s Time to Change Our Strategy!

Recently, House Minority Leader, said on Fox News Sunday that Russia probably wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if Biden administration had sent arms sooner. He stated that the actions that are being taken now are too little too late as Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if said administration had not acted sooner. However, Mr. McCarthy’s pronouncements seem to be too little too late as well, as before now, we did not hear much support for the closure of or protection of the Ukranian skies coming from both sides of the US aisle of government. Even after President Zelenskyy had made numerous calls for the closure of the skies and or jets and planes to close the skies, and several live speeches to the US joint houses and world bodies and countries. But the mid-terms are upon us, and everyone will use the opportunity to score big taking advantage of a growing concern or issue that can be used as a sticking point to hurt the opponent and help self and party.

However, many Americans are against the aid that we are giving to Ukraine given what’s happening in their communities, falling incomes, rising prices, poverty and the corresponding sharp rise in crime and violence coupled with the recent poor economic outlook which we had already reported on since October, 2021 in an article that is now featured on The Neoliberal Corporation’s home page:, entitled: “Forecasters Keep Pushing Out Predictions for a Full Economic Recovery Further and Further.” In fact, Some Americans, especially African Americans in Philadelphia (whose city is beset by rising poverty, falling incomes and homelessness among younger peoples and are reeling from a drug epidemic that’s destroyed towns like the one shown in the cover image (Kensington Philadelphia suffering from de-industrialization) are against this 12.1-billion-dollar package because they say what about poor people here in this country (US). They say it’s too much. That’s from several conversations I have had among 20 city residents, especially African American males 25 and older in Philadelphia. But they also so they can’t without Russian products and business for its business. They have desires that must be fulfilled. However, these arguments contradict themselves, they make a moral argument and then make an amoral one based on greed (you may see the rest of the blog post HERE.


“Ukraine Patrol Policeman Mikhail Vershinin Appealing to The US President in video message for more help including protecting the skies.”

Nevertheless, Mr. McCarthy may be right, as we had argued this very same point. In fact, on March 7, 2022, I published an article in The Neoliberal Blog in Blogger News entitled: “The world is united with Ukraine, yet Russia continues to advance their terror, we continue to use Russian imports and leave Ukrainian Airspace unprotected,” (Link to Blog Article).

On March 10th, we thought world leaders had gotten the message and endeavored to show that they were united with Ukraine. In fact, on that same day, we published a Breaking News entitled, “The US has banned Fuel and Energy Imports from Russia including Oil, Petroleum products, gas and coal, and prohibits US citizens from engaging in Investments re Fuel and energy with Russia.”

Moreover, the Western and European leaders imposed more sanctions, and invited President Zelenskyy to speak at their houses of governments and the United Nations Assembly and various works bodies, and NATO held a meeting to discuss more sanctions and to provide more weapons and humanitarian aid but not to close the sky or to provide airplanes or jets to protect the Ukrainian airspace.

Nevertheless, we were of the opinion that the Ukrainian had even come one step closer to protecting their skies when we wrote in The Neoliberal Blogger News this story on March 12, 2022, that: “In fact, Kamala Harris just reported that the US delivered Patriot Missiles to Ukraine. This is an indication that Ukraine has taken a step further towards protecting its airspace. We will continue to watch this developing story.” We even promoted images of the Pope visiting the wounded at a hospital in the region and a video of Past Presidents Clinton and Bush in Chicago visiting a Ukrainian community to show their solidarity.

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But we were misled, as we learned on April 7th, at a European meeting, that the world is still doing business with Russia even as they pretend otherwise. MEP and former Belgian Prime Minister, Guy Verhofstadt harshly criticized the EU for weak sanctions against Russia. He said that “the gradual imposition of sanctions works against democracies, not against autocracies like Russia.” In fact, Verhofstadt revealed that that half of Russian banks and financial institutions are still able to and are doing business with Europe and the West as sanctions have not been imposed on them, see YouTube video obtained from Renaldo.McKenzie Channel.


According to Verhofstadt:

“It’s time to change our strategy.  An emergency meeting of the European Council must be convened and a full package of sanctions against Russia imposed immediately.  Then you can really change something.  Everything else will not work.  Everything else will only continue the war. After the horrors of World War II, a strong and democratic Germany emerged.  Very strong and democratic.  I expect leadership from such a Germany, to be an example.  Instead of dragging on to infinity, what we see today,” (Guy Verhofstadt).

Guy Verhofstadt appeal to Germany towards the end of the speech was important if you understand what’s going on with Germany as it relates to their ability to apply or impose sanctions especially with their heavy dependence on Russian oil (60-80 percent comes from Russia.) We have reported this and have confirmed media reports that Germany is blocking the expansion of sanctions against Russia, including the embargo on the purchase of energy resources.

we must still question the integrity of world leaders when they say that the world is United, yet they continue to work behind the scenes with Russia while thousands die at the hands of a despot who is set on Denazifying Ukraine—which means to re-colonize them so as to preserve Mother Russia values and control on an independent democratic nation. Further, it would seem that all our efforts are just photo-op at best for while we make royal quick visits to the zone and send lip service and some soft sanctions, nothing really changes. Moreover, Putin has indicated that he is unwilling to continue with any peace talks as it seems they’ve come to a stalemate as we had already predicted given several new reports coming out of Russia on the “Special Operation” and what Putin hopes to achieve. (See our podcast on

1. Putin’s Speech, March 16th, He Reveals his mind:


2. Breaking News Russia News Agency Reports Russia Intentions for Ukraine- Genocide and Destruction and Total Denazification leaving no traitors or annex that’s still devout to the West.

 So, how do we reconcile this ambivalence and hypocrisy? Well, we know that many of these countries that are still doing business with Russia are so tied to Russia that any sanction may cripple or delay their economies and businesses. We have already seen the effects at our gas prices in the US where it tripped in less than three weeks of the war, even though the US only imported 3-6 percent of their oil from Russia (this number varies between 4-8 percent, and we have also seen reports of up to twelve percent). So what must happen is that these countries would need to untie their entanglements with Russia but this cannot happen over night given the complexity of their situations that they have locked themselves into falling into Putin strategy which they and the world were too weak kneed and vision-less to realize. In fact, over a period Putin has been working to augment and extend Russian partnership and participation in the world, demanding that web application companies and systems exchange business interests and share platform ownerships and development. If you look at your phone apps., and check about the app and explore the developers, it may say, “developed by Russia” and several apps y systems use Russian platforms which have recently come under a lot of security and cyber attack as Russia runs their disinformation campaign and tries to block and sabotage transmission of the news.

However, the ethic of saving a life even if it puts yours at risk and this ethic is the highest. However the unwillingness to impose sanctions and closing or protecting the Ukrainian skies which would be the best decision stemming from our responsibility to the highest ethic does not necessarily put our lives at risk, that’s not what’s driving our indecisiveness and waste. It’s the bottom line where we would not want to sabotage our economies. It’s an economic decision.

On the other hand, to close or protect the Ukrainian skies is another issue. I had explored this issue and someone replied on Reddit, to a post I was moderating regarding Ukraine-Conflict, saying: “stop trying to make a no-fly-zone happen. It’s not going to happen.’ I responded:

“If protecting Ukraine Airspace by closing it will create Nuclear War, why would the Ukrainians request it saying that it will do the opposite – stop Russian missiles and avert the already human catastrophe happening in Ukraine? Unless we are weak and afraid of Russian threats to use nuclear weapons. But Russians don’t want nuclear war either. That would surely isolate him, and suffer the wrath of the Russians as they’d be affected by a world war where they stand alone. So your point is weak and does not consider other factors at play here!” Further, I said “We are then, not United. We are therefore weak and spineless. Russia then has already won. And sets up a dangerous precedence that any country can be invaded today without any democratic support. Remember when the US and others didn’t want to join the world war against the Nazis, until they suffered losses. But in order to stop terrorism, we must be strong and do the thing that will prevent further problems. If Putin can do this without such tactical support, then it’s ok for him to continue on to Poland etc. we are the United Nations, why should one country close the airspace. If we are united then our unity is our strength. Is the US afraid of Russia? Is Europe afraid of Russia? Are they that weak? Then we are all vulnerable without any real leadership. Aren’t we paying the UN and the security council to preserve world peace?

Concerning my position on the World not wanting to implement a #noflyzone some agreed arguing that: “Fair enough. Russian politicians for sure do not want a nuclear holocaust. A no-fly zone over Ukraine will have to be enforced though. That means direct conflict of whoever is enforcing the no fly zone with Russia. That would inevitably mean war. It is a dangerous road since it might lead to a spiral which ends in a major war where nuclear weapons are very dangerous option that Russia/Putin might use once they realize they are loosing the war. No thank you, I pass. I don’t have an idea how to resolve this, but in a war between NATO and Russia everybody looses.”

But if that’s the case then one must ask, rhetorically, so we don’t want a major war just a minor one that doesn’t have anything to do with my or my country. Unless we happen to live where it is taking place. And if your argument is right, that no one wants war between NATO and Russia, so it would mean then that no one can stop Russia from invading and bombing another country if it doesn’t get what it wants. That is a dangerous precedence and it speaks volumes as to what is the use of having NATO if they can’t prevent and protect Wars. In fact, another member of NATO is actually carrying out this aggression and we can only sit idly by and say well we don’t want a world war just one over there that doesn’t affect us. But that’s what Ukrainians we’re probably saying too. That’s the Middle East and Iran’s, or Afghanistan’s problem. Or it’s Pakistan and India’s problems. Or it’s Hitler’s and Europe’s problems. Until pearl Harbour happens. If Russia doesn’t want a world war you “gotta” stop the minor ones before they escalate, in that no one country must feel as though they can intimidate and invade another without fearing a strong worldwide reaction because the world is afraid of another world war so they can pick a country off individually until it’s too late.

 Let us truly unite against tyranny and totalitarianism by truly standing with Ukraine against Russia, for “peace in your country no longer depends on the efforts to ensure for peace alone in your country but also ensuring peace in another, (President Zelenskyy to US joint houses March 2022). We here at the Neoliberal is working for peace by researching and proving information and a platform for you to hear another perspective that is fair and diverse but also allows for your contributions irrespective of your background as we serve the world today to solve tomorrow’s challenges.

We join with the winners of Eurovision 2021, Máneskin, who recorded a video in support of Ukrainians. “Refugees in Ukraine and around the world need urgent humanitarian assistance. While we use this medium, they use their voice to demand action, and so can you. Join us, shoot your video and call on the world to support refugees and donate to

This article was written by: Rev. Renaldo C. McKenzie

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We are conducting a poll at “TheNeoliberal at and would appreciate your participation: Please help us get the temperature of the Country by completing this quick poll via the link below the poll description. We published an article and a podcast episode recently on gun reform. We concluded that, if we are to truly deal with crime, we may not need to first reform gun laws but fix issues of poverty and income distribution. The data we suggest above seems to suggest that while poverty as income figures is worsening so too is the social decay resulting in rising crimes and violence. What needs to happen is for us to think about controlling crime and violence, not a particular tool of violence and crime such as guns. What is it that makes people hurt other people? It’s not the gun, it’s just the means to the end. So, let’s think about the end not the means so that we are not creating problems by applying policies that “projects” blame on (guns) a tool of MAN to carry out their heinous thoughts. What’s your position? Please visit the poll link below and complete the quick survey. Your answers will help us with a commentary that we will share in next week’s commentary of The Neoliberal Commentary.

We are also conducting another poll via on podcast on and Spotify, and the results will be revealed on our podcast on Friday, April 29, 2022:

Published by

Rev. Renaldo McKenzie

Author of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty And Resistance