The Neoliberal Corporation is celebrating two years, we did a special presentation on The NeoLiberal Round Podcast in audio and video on all our podcast and for our YouTube channel to share our story, plans, projects, reach, challenges, goals and garner support to realize our vision to serve the world today to solve tomorrow’s challenges by making popular what was the monopoly. Donte Nelson hosts the show for the first time, interviewing Renaldo McKenzie, the President and Founder of the Corporation, The NeoLiberal Post at The NeoLiberal and host and creator of The NeoLiberal Round. 


The episode is split up in two parts, Part 1 we edit to include background music, videos, images and some funny moments. But in the second part of the video show, we left it largely unedited as there were several blooper and funny moments we deiced to keep for your pleasure and entertainment while you watch and our listen. We are seeking you donations, following, and support. We discuss in detail what the Corporation is about and how you can donate and become part of the Fund Raiser and Movement. Donte was nervous but was able to wrap up the interview in fine style. Here is a summary of the Podcast Sow transcript:


The Interview, "The Pitch" on NeoLiberal Round via Youtube 


Podcast Show Script: The NeoLiberal Corporation Investment Opportunity


[Intro Music]

Host Donte Nelson:

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another exciting episode of The Neoliberal Round Podcast. I’m your co-host, Donte Nelson, and today we have a very special episode for you. We’re diving into a fascinating investment opportunity presented by The NeoLiberal Corporation. Joining us today is the President and Founder of The NeoLiberal Corporation, the mastermind behind this innovative venture. Let’s give a warm welcome to Renaldo

Renaldo McKenzie:

Thank you, Donte! It’s a pleasure to be here on our podcast discussing this exciting investment opportunity.



Host Donte Nelson:

Absolutely, [Your Name]! It’s an honor to have you here. So, to kick things off, could you give our listeners a brief overview of what The NeoLiberal Corporation is all about?


Renaldo McKenzie:

Certainly, Donte. The NeoLiberal Corporation is a dynamic and innovative think tank, news commentary, digital media, and independent publishing company. Our mission revolves around shaping both the academic and business landscape through a range of innovative projects and services. We’re all about promoting free and critical thinking, respecting diversity, and providing top-notch resources for personal and professional growth. The Neoliberal Corporation, a think tank, news commentary, digital media, Website/Content Creators and Developers and independent publishing company; that is “Serving the World Today to solve Tomorrow’s Challenges.” So as to promote and facilitate free and critical thinking, expressions and arrangements that respect and value all human beings and the diversity they bring. Thereby realizing our goal of providing information that is activated in our communications which is to make popular what was the monopoly. We’re dedicated to giving the very best leadership, academic, print, digital and self-help services. Through our interdisciplinary and expanding services and resources.


Host Donte Nelson:

That sounds truly impactful, Renaldo. Could you share a bit about the diverse projects and services that The NeoLiberal Corporation offers?




Absolutely. We have quite an exciting lineup of projects. We’re into academic textbooks with our Neoliberalism Book Series, exploring critical topics like globalization, income inequality, and resistance. Then there’s our Academic Journal tailored to young academics, a podcast and video channel called The Neoliberal Round, and various other services like academic and content writing, web hosting and design, and even a Lectures Series. We have diversified and developed several projects/programs that we use to provide solutions that are on the cutting edge and for development and empowerment of the human. These projects each carry investment requirements and include:


  1. Neoliberalism Book Series:
  2. Academic Journal – Towards Developing a Caribbean Academic Journal of Young Academics (partnership with Jamaica Theological Seminary)
  3. Podcasting and Video Channel (The Neoliberal Round Podcast on Audio Podcasts and YouTube Channel
  4. Academic/Content Writing for Businesses and Students
  5. Web Hosting and Design, SEO and AISEO (With Antz Business Solutions)
  6. Magazine and News Journals: The Neoliberal Journal at and The NeoLiberal Post at
  7. Self-Publishing Support and Services through our partners at Ingram Spark
  8. The NeoLiberal Lectures Series: Caribbean Thought
  9. Mentoring and Leadership Resources
  10. The NeoLiberal Transcripts – Publication of The NeoLiberal Round discussions in Print.

Host Donte Nelson:

Impressive! With such a diverse range, there’s definitely something for everyone. Now, you’ve mentioned revenue projections. Could you give us a glimpse into the financial aspect of this investment?


Certainly. Our projected revenue over the next five years stands at a staggering $5.45 million. This impressive ROI is fueled by our estimated sales, market trends, and strategic planning. Our projects are designed to not only make an impact but also yield strong returns for our investors.


Host Donte Nelson:

Speaking of strategies, could you elaborate on how you plan to achieve these revenue goals?


Absolutely. Our strategies include targeted market expansion, robust online presence, partnerships, and leveraging our team’s expertise. We believe in the power of connections and high-quality content to set us apart from the competition. By focusing on these strategies, we’re confident in our ability to deliver both impact and returns.


Host Donte Nelson:

Your dedication to both impact and returns is truly commendable. Now, what are the key goals that The NeoLiberal Corporation aims to achieve in the coming years?



Over the next five years, our primary goals include building our reputation, expanding our reach, and becoming profitable without external capital investments. We’re aiming to reach and engage with over ten million individuals through our diverse projects, services, and solutions. This journey involves product diversification, research, marketing, and even setting up a studio and office space. we are focused on developing these key areas, as we seek to respond to the demand and opened markets for our books and services and as we continue to increase our visibility and expand and streamline our digital media and web application capabilities and services and platforms so as to continue to take advantage of leveraging technology


  1. Capacity Building – Staffing, VPS server to control products and services, Marketing, Web Application software for customer interface and expanding Publishing and paper writing service
  2. Research, staffing, marketing and distribution of Dissertation/Book Project/Towards developing a Journal of Caribbean and Diaspora Perspectives.
  3. Marketing, distribution, copyright protection of already published book
  4. Studio/Equipment and Office Space – Printing, digital/media technology for podcasts and media channels, Studio and for admin operations and bookstore.
  5. Cybersecurity, Privacy, trademarks/legal development and capacity
  6. Writing and Editing
  7. Website expansion and development of and for ecommerce capabilities
  8. Building Reputation and integrity by registering with the Associated Press, Independent Press etc.
  9. Diversify and develop Web Site Hosting, Content Development and Web applications through partnerships
  10. Improve global printing and distribution of books and materials through partnerships – Ingram Spark


Host Donte Nelson:

It’s inspiring to hear about your vision for growth. Could you shed light on your target market and how you plan to reach them?




Absolutely. Our target market includes academics, students, professionals, and individuals seeking intellectual stimulation. While we’re initially focusing on regions like the USA, Canada, Caribbean, and the UK, we’re also eyeing growth in emerging markets like Australia, India, and beyond. Our aim is to cater to a diverse audience with critical perspectives.


Host Donte Nelson:

Reaching a global audience with critical perspectives is indeed a noble goal. Now, one last question before we wrap up: Could you tell us about the experience and expertise of your management team?



Our management team is a powerhouse of experience in publishing, media, and academia. They bring a wealth of knowledge and a strong track record in delivering high-quality services. This collective expertise ensures our ability to provide innovative solutions and maintain a competitive edge in the market.


Host Donte Nelson:

Thank you for sharing that, [Your Name]. It’s clear that The NeoLiberal Corporation is in capable hands. Now, as we conclude, could you tell our listeners how they can get involved in this exciting investment opportunity?


Absolutely. One year ago we started out with a couple of seeds. We’ve reached and touched over fifty thousand people through our newsletters and journals, news commentaries and blogs, podcasts and channels, plethora of social media feeds and websites, letters, books, articles and papers, lectures and presentations, educational and leadership resources and materials, mentoring and community partnerships, professional services – writing, paper service, research and independent publishing services, and now we are adding HOSTING and WEBSITE services as we have incorporated “Antz Business Solutions” into our core business, providers of high speed (SHARE and VPS) Web Hosting for business. We’re doing great and we will keep growing as we seek to reach and touch over TEN million in five years with our added services and upcoming book projects and programs. We never expected to get so far in just one year.  But with your support we will. If you’re intrigued by our vision and want to be a part of this impactful journey, you can reach out to us for more insights and discussions. We’re looking for partners who align with our mission and are excited about driving transformation and growth.

Host Donte Nelson:

Fantastic! Thank you so much, Renaldo, for shedding light on this incredible investment/support opportunity presented by The NeoLiberal Corporation. It’s been an insightful conversation.



Thank you, Donte! It’s been a pleasure discussing our projects and vision with you.


Host Donte Nelson:

And to our listeners, thank you for tuning in to this special episode of The Neoliberal Round Podcast. If you’re ready to explore this investment opportunity further, don’t hesitate to reach out to The NeoLiberal Corporation. Stay tuned for more thought-provoking conversations in the future. Until next time, this is Donte Nelson signing off.

[Outro Music]


[Applause Sound Effect]


[End of Part 1 Podcast Show]


Opening of Part 2: Behind the Scenes and some Blooper Moments.

Renaldo shares a powerful Story of his journey and the company.

End of The Show

We are kicking off our Fund Raising and Capital Campaign starting today. Check out the interview talking about the plans and campaign on our YouTube channel or Podcast streams. 



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Visit our Shop and check out resources and services. Subscribe to our Journals, Post and The NeoLiberal Round Podcast also available at YouTube.

Check out our New Store Page that we will launch in February 2024!

Email us at: [email protected] and Administration 


Submitted by Ramon Henry, Vice President at The NeoLiberal Corporation and Head of IT and Web Services, and Antz Business Solutions.