Breaking News: The Neoliberal Corporation has obtained an ominous article today published by the Russian State News Agency which is of course owned and controlled by Putin and The Kremlin. this story was first published in The Neoliberal Round Podcast News Commentary on April 8, 2022.

The story was obtained via news outlets in Ukraine and we confirmed this with official news sources in Ukraine and the Ukrainian official State sites and feeds. The story calls for the denazification of Ukraine however this is not really breaking news. This is part of the Kremlin’s and Putin efforts to brainwash by constantly publish the same information justifying the war over and over again in different articles that speaks to the same issues – denazification of Ukraine. However, what is new about this article is found towards the end. The end of the article stated that Russia was helping the US decolonize the world of Nazism, but this is ambivalent and hypocritical because earlier in the article it said that it is draining Ukraine of a new kind of Nazism which it describes as America values pervading Ukraine which the article and Putin has argued is being used by the same West it now says that it’s helping to drain of Nazism which is western values. This is convoluting and ambivalent. For, why would the US, want Russia to help them drain Ukraine of Nazism. It seems to forget what it had stated previously. Further it is quite laughable that the article stated at the end that it has made sacrifices helping the US to lead the process of decolonization but then explained in the same article a process to recolonize Ukrainians. This makes no sense, and this is a new argument. Finally, what is new to the staple of brainwashing campaign of selling repeated stories justifying the special operation in Ukraine by rehashing the same ideological points, is the statement in the closing paragraph where the article stated that “Russia will now go it alone from here…” But this is not true as Russia has been going it alone for a long time. They alone decided to go to invade Ukraine. So, this is quite amusing and strange that the article would conclude with such a new departure from its usual refrain. Unless Putin is now backed in a corner and has nowhere left to turn and it seems this is exactly what has happened. Because these closing statements are ambivalent, hypocritical and clash with previous statements and intentions stated about the justification for the war. Whatever the conclusion we have already stated that this war based on all the speeches and publications from the kremlin is couched in human prejudice, ethnocentrism which challenges human progress. The article clearly shows the basis for war: stripping away the individual or the humanity of another, redefine that stripped person’s or nation’s identity as less than, and then move to impose either through passive and then coercive and violence that is justified as a systematic process. This is how Power is maintained, established or increased in the world. People privilege a particular value or idea and impose that through various strategies in the world which involves stripping away the human and redefining their reality within one’s own realities. But what is the ultimate of all things? That we become one reality despite and with all of our individuality. A man said, “one you label you, you negate me,” (Kierkegaard). Let us move away from labels that breathe suspicions, division and destruction, so that we can truly be United! The episode is broken up in 3 segments, Introduction, Content, Putin Speech March 16 which resembles this piece, and then ending credits. The Episode on Putin’s Speech, March 16th … is available here and you may peruse the episodes to find the show we did on that speech, which was quite telling and speaks to this remake of that speech with the added conclusion. It’s also available as an article in The Neoliberal Post via. 

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