News Brief: The Gaza War Update in the Middle East

Gaza War Update between Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah: On October 7, 2023 Hamas conducted a covert operation in Israel, bombing huge parts of Israel and killing thousands without any warning or western intelligence operatives knowing. The attack was stealthily and deadly. Since then, Israel has retaliated, after PM of Israel Netanyahu announced that Hamas will pay with their lives promising an […]

Israel’s Pledge to Eradicate Hamas: Unpacking the Complex Reality of Unresolved Histories and Resistance

In recent headlines, Israel vows to obliterate Hamas. But the question arises: how can you send bombs to obliterate an ideology? Hamas is not confined to a physical location; it’s an ideology deeply ingrained in its supporters. They perceive themselves as justified fighters against what they view as Western invasion, symbolized by Israel’s ongoing occupation of their lands. Hamas has […]