The NeoLiberal Post | April 27, 2021
The U.S. Census Bureau announced on April 26, in a report delivered to the President the 2020 Census report which that the resident population of the United States on April 1, 2020, was 331,449,281 (See the 2020 Census Report).
The U.S. Census Bureau reports that between 2010 and 2020 the US registered a 7.4 percent increase in population growth. However, this 7.4 percent growth is 2.3 percent less than the 9.7 percent growth rate in the previous census report for 2000 to 2010. In fact, the 7.4 percent increase represents lowest increase in population in any period in the US history.

However, the Census reports what has been reported to it. There are still hundreds of thousands of Americans who did not complete the last census report, especially since Trump was President, when the US was threatened by populism, the unsullied brutality of police on Black and Brown people, and tethering towards white nationalism, and draconian immigration policies.

We conducted a random survey and interviewed over 500 individuals in Philadelphia, New York and Monmouth County, NJ among people of color (black and brown) and found that only 15 percent actually completed the Census and only 10 percent completed and submitted the Census. We interviewed 500 white individuals and found that 45 percent completed and submitted the census. Moreover, the respondents who indicated that they were immigrants’ residents, and checked how many completed the Census, we found that only 5 percent completed and submitted their Census. So that the National Census Report is not representative of the population given the non-respondents.

When asked the reason for not participating in the Census Report the respondents commented that they are suspicious, for a long time, of a system that continue to treat them as second-class citizens whose labor is cheapened and whose lives are criminalized or impoverished. Some reported that they didn’t have time and that the census doesn’t really affect them in any significant and positive way. Fifty percent indicated that the Census was another tool to control and direct their lives to suit a particular political cause to which there’s no value for them given the political divisions and strategies in US politics. And about 50 percent alluded to the Trump effect, him being President saw them retreating from their civic duty.

Despite the limitations of this Census study, it was utilized to determine that Ohio will lose a congressional seat and that NY Governor will lose some seats so that he has now launched an investigation into the census.
More in this story in Friday’s Post.

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