Donte Nelson | Renaldo McKenzie | The NeoLiberal Updated April 28, 2021 @ 9:00 am

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden will use his first address to a joint session of Congress Wednesday to pressure lawmakers to confront gun violence. During his remarks, Biden will reiterate his characterization of gun violence as an epidemic, both in the drumbeat of recent mass shootings and a spike in homicides and gun violence in communities across the country, a White House official told reporters at The NeoLiberal Post and USA Today
Biden will seek to implement gun reform Laws that will include a measure that ensures makers of gun kits (kits used to make ghost guns) have serial numbers that can be traceable. This Mr. Biden hopes will help to identify house made guns used in illegal activities and to serve as a safety precaution to mitigate the use of such guns. But this does not do anything to prevent gun violence, it only create an opportunity for gun fanatics to utilize the underground market which has been the case for others countries with strong gun laws. The issue of gun violence cannot be solve by America alone, it has to be an international effort that can prevent the organization of an underground gun market and trade that connects places with easy gun laws with places that have stiff gun laws and where guns are difficult to attain.

The fact is that no more gun reform that limit the access to guns can stop or reduce gun violence. All this will do is to create an underground gun—market that will drive up the price of guns and criminalize more (black) boys whose gun love is facilitated by #GrandTheftAuto. Visit Jamaica & see what there restrictive gun control policy achieved; nothing but an underground market where guns are exchanged for drugs, and or make shift guns become the new method of obtaining or using a gun.
If you want to reduce gun—violence, limiting gun access either reduces gun-related killings done by a legal weapon and increases the use of illegal weapons in killings so that the authorities will now experience more difficulties to track down perpetrators of gun violence, since any new gun control policy creates an informal and underground industry (Black Market).

What needs to happen is for us to think about controlling crime and violence, not a particular tool of violence and crime. What is that makes people hurt other people? It’s not the gun, it’s just the means to the end. So let’s think about the end not the means so that we are not creating problems by applying policies that “projects” blame on (guns) a tool of man to carry out their heinous thoughts.
Further, any executive and legislative action that relies on a Gun—Impact Study is a waste and does not provide a basis for gun reform. Impacts and effects doe not tell us how to minimize the rationale that creates a situation where legal guns are used which we know are already impactful. If guns are not used, then something else such as Suicide bombers, machetes and other weapons provide the same impact. On 9/11, they used knives to hi-jacked the planes and then used the planes to collide in the Twin Towers which was just as impactful. So let’s not be reactive and project our problems of crime on guns only to limit it so that more creative means are available to criminals to access guns to kill which then limit the ability of authorities to investigate crimes or killings using “trace and search”.

Further, Gun violence or violence is a result of the human condition where values are misplaced and ethics are misguided. It is human beings that needs reform and not guns. Until we are reformed in how we think we cannot use any amount of reform to stymie gun violence. Socrates said that you cannot live unless you think because the unexamined life is not worth living. Further Descartes argues that we cannot know of anyone mind except for ones individual mind so that truth about anything is only valid within oneself. Ultimately we do nit know what a gun mind full of violence and inhumanity will do given the new reform. We cannot speak with confidence that Biden’s gun reform will sway minds from crime since we cannot fully comprehend the realities of minds apart from our individual self. Unless we communicate with minds that are prone to crime. But who is that? We may not know. But communication is to make popular what was only the monopoly. And by addressing the human condition through love and hope and the things that connect us with the ultimate may serve as a more lucrative endeavor but we as a society have pulled away from the divine and delved towards materialism, individualism and the self so that the connections between humanity and the conscience that prevent chaos is no longer part of us. So that we experience the pandemic of gun violence.

But let us match political legislation to reform with messages of hope love and togetherness. Let us reach out to the other international partners in other countries to work out an international plan to prevent the illegal gun trade across borders where one country’s gun men, where guns are illegal or heavily scrutinized, can use underground channels to access guns from another country where guns are easily accessible without much scrutiny or proper checks and balances.

Let us also engage the market of consumerism where sellers dangle gun violence in their products and games to cash in on the created demand for violence. Video games, Kung Fu films, violent movies and sports—socialize our people to engage in gun violence and to revere and admire the gun and use the gun to get our way without any regard for the other.

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