
In a controversial six-to-three-vote, the US Supreme Court recently invalidated Affirmative Action in colleges and universities. This decision, driven by political and special interests, raises important questions about the state of equality and inclusion in American society. While civil rights and freedoms have been established, the ongoing need for Affirmative Action suggests that true equality has not been fully realized. This article examines the significance of Affirmative Action, its purpose as a steppingstone towards inclusion and diversity, and the persisting reasons for its necessity in contemporary America.

Affirmative Action: A Historical Context

Affirmative Action was never intended to be a permanent fixture but rather a means to address historical imbalances and promote equal opportunity. Its purpose was to level the playing field and ensure that marginalized groups, who faced systemic discrimination for generations, had access to educational and employment opportunities. By prioritizing diversity and inclusion, Affirmative Action aimed to create a more equitable society.

The Fallacy of Achievement Denouncement

Critics of Affirmative Action often use isolated incidents of individuals benefiting from its provisions to denounce the program as a whole. They claim that hardworking individuals from underrepresented groups who have succeeded are merely products of preferential treatment. However, such arguments fail to acknowledge the inherent disadvantages faced by these individuals due to their background and the ongoing privilege enjoyed by others. Affirmative Action helps to bridge this gap by providing deserving individuals from vulnerable groups with the opportunities they might not otherwise have.


Continued Privilege and the Need for Affirmative Action

Recent scandals involving celebrities and wealthy individuals cheating college admission systems demonstrate that privilege, connections, and wealth still enable some to bypass merit-based criteria. While such misconduct is not representative of the entire privileged class, it highlights the ongoing need for Affirmative Action. Discrimination persists in various forms, whether through real estate appraisals, hiring practices, or unequal treatment in the criminal justice system. These de facto and de jure practices perpetuate inequality and underscore the necessity of Affirmative Action.


The Premature Decision: A Blow to Equity and Inclusion

The US Supreme Court’s decision to end Affirmative Action prematurely disregards the laws that safeguard equity, equality, and diversity—the very principles enshrined in the US Constitution. Affirmative Action is a vehicle to ensure that “All Men Are Made Free” and promote equality for all citizens. By dismantling this program, years of progress are undermined, leaving individuals and their families who have experienced minimal inclusion in society at a significant disadvantage.



Affirmative Action was never intended to be a permanent solution but a critical step towards achieving inclusion and diversity. Its importance lies in rectifying historical injustices and providing opportunities for marginalized groups who continue to face significant obstacles. While progress has been made, the ongoing existence of discrimination, privilege, and disparities in wealth and opportunities necessitates the continuation of Affirmative Action. To fully realize true equality and inclusion in American society, it is essential to recognize the enduring significance of Affirmative Action and work towards a future where all individuals have equal access to the American dream.


Written by:

Rev. Renaldo McKenzie, Doctoral Student, Georgetown University, Graduate, University of Pennsylvania and Adjunct Lecturer at Jamaica Theological Seminary. Renaldo is Author of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance. Email Renaldo at Renaldo is Creator and Host of The NeoLiberal Round Podcast and YouTube Channel. Follow Renaldo McKenzie on Twitter.




This article was submitted to the Jamaica Gleaner and the Jacobins magazine for publication. There is another version of this article available in The NeoLiberal Post at entitled: The Continued Relevance of Affirmative Action in Achieving True Equality and Inclusion


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