The Neoliberal Round Podcast Latest Episode, Season 6, Episode 13:

Description: I called an Uber to take me to pick up a Tesla today. That’s when I met Darline from Haiti, who is now a US citizen, driving for Uber as part of one human race. She talked about the experience working with Uber. But she was also just returning from a visit to Haiti, and we talked about what’s happening in Haiti. She was quick to point out the challenges in Haiti, saying “there’s a lot of problems… the people are united together. Which seems to be the problem of the Caribbean. The inability to come together to share and work to build. This selfishness learned probably from colonization or within human nature to fight over scarce benefits and spoils, has dogged the island. Yet, when asked, what can be done, she could not provide any answers, only that the people need to be more united and that the President was just killed as a result of him being branded an American mouthpiece. American penetration in the global south islands are not well known in the US by its citizens.

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We only see what others are doing but Haiti has endured several setbacks due to penetration of outsiders but also due to the damage done to it by themselves. Haiti was one of the first to obtain independence, the first among black peoples that was freed but made the mistake of trying to colonize Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, who shares the island with Haiti. Indeed, at one time in Haiti’s history, they had colonized another country after they were free, but this was transient, and this created a history of bad blood between the two countries that share the same land mass. Dominicans who took back their country through partnerships with the Europeans, took on whiteness and was forever an enemy of Haitians or their black brothers who had tried to enslave, so that today many Hispanics from that region cannot identify with a race, only an ethnicity. We explore the dynamics in Haiti briefly, speaking with Darline and shared a personal experience while exploring life and society. We were perplexed about Russia’s invasion and the boldness with which men invade and plunder other men and nations without apology and conscience. This ability to destroy peoples and leaving it up to diplomacy to resolve, while the people suffer. The human condition has become so tarnished by self, the id and a privilege that justifies its injustices on other people’s int he world. We pray for peace and God will uproot men like Putin who unleash evil without mercy when they too need God’s mercy. Let them become aware of the ills they do by realizing the plight of men they plunder and doom. May that be their lot oh God. May you rescue Ukrainians and all who suffer the hand and might of callous angry men who through selfish desires and myopic reason seek to establish power for themselves and the few. May you grant Ukraine favor and the weapons to stand up. May you bring others to their aid. May you stop the war and bring destruction on those who fail to heed your warning and hate against hatred. For what is the ultimate of all things, that we become one with reality with all of our individuality, so that we are labelled into negation. In the name of that than which nothing greater can be conceived. Amen!

Creator/Host: Rev. Renaldo McKenzie, author of, “Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance,” Doctoral Student at Georgetown University and Adjunct at Jamaica Theological Seminary. Renaldo is President of The Neoliberal Corporation, a think tank…

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