RENALDO was one of my most interesting students at Penn whom I’ve had the pleasure of advising on several thesis and works. His book project is really very good. His treatment of Black nationalism and Marcus Garvey in the context of the globalized economy is unique, and really a brand-new interpretation. That’s just one of many very interesting points he covers. The thesis is very thorough, very provocative, well-argued, and overall, more than acceptable.

MARTIN OPPENHEIMER is professor emeritus of sociology, Rutgers University. His latest book is The Hate Handbook (Lexington).

Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty And Resistance will be available in paperback and e-book via Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kindle and other major distributors. You may pre-order or access your copy at The Neoliberal Bookstore on Ebay. While we work on the  site tools and platform keep checking back for release updates. You May contact us at [email protected]

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