Kyrie Irving was redefined, and his intentions reinterpreted to control his freedom of expression and masculinity which has always been the strategy to enslave & to control. What is it to question someone’s faith? Isn’t it a matter of theology, requiring an apologetic response. What is it to question someone’s faith? Is it Antisemitic? …probably when questioning a certain belief or faith as faiths and beliefs are questioned and attacked every day. But isn’t this the modus operandi.


What is it to Question someone’s Faith? Is it Antisemitic or Theology and Apologetics?

What is it to Question someone’s Faith? Is it Antisemitic or Theology and Apologetics? Stephen A. Smith said in this clip on his show ESPN First Take that Kyrie doesn’t have the right or shouldn’t question someone’s faith or belief? But why is that so? When did we come to a point to not want to question another’s faith when this is done every day between and among faiths. The orthodox Christian faith call the Jehovah Witnesses “Cults” meaning a group claiming to be Christians but deny the essential tenets of the Faith. Moreover, Tom Cruise was seen as weird for joining the church of Scientology and many castigate and lambast the Muslim faith as terrorists so on and so forth.

This questioning faith is a normal part of the exchanges that occur to arrive at truth or personal faith and theologians defend their faith through apologetics. Apologetics is the use of logic to defend the faith. The apologist is who must offer a credible response to kyrie, not demanding apology but engaging in apologetics.

However, we have become so sensitive and hypocritical; KYRIE can only speak basketball as if he’s livestock, but he cannot challenge and critique history; only the privileged must do so. We therefore stifle and attack his freedoms of expression and speech forcing an apology for what the ADL said caused hurt. But we are told in Psychology that people are not responsible for other feelings. Because people are different and respond to stimuli differently and therefore as a way to mitigate conflict, we use I-Messages so as to not blame based on this fact.

Nevertheless, the NBA and media is forcing an apology that blames KYRIE for causing grief as if he has that power to do so and requiring him to do what others are not asked to do which then appears to be a matter of pharasaicalism/race. However, as good people who promote life and peace, he should seek to facilitate brotherhood and sisterhood. Nevertheless, we should not deny his critical thinking and freedom of expression by redefining his expressions as foreign and anti-anything to control his masculinity which others are freely able to flaunt. The issue of questioning the Jews’ origin and experience so long as it is not full of hate is a matter of theology requiring an apologetic response.

Yet, what is the ultimate of all things? The ultimate of all things is that we become one with reality with all of our individuality. A man said, “once you label me you negate me,” Kierkegaard. Indeed, we have labelled Kyrie an antisemitic despite is good intentions to dispel that but to provide a theology on the issue of semitic culture or faith that challenges popular belief. It is as if one cannot challenge a position that is of a particular pedigree. Yet rabbis of the faith instead of being teachers, defenders and apologist of the faith are going back to the crusades. Further, it is not ok to impose one’s faith on others, however, it is ok to challenge and to question as normal human beings who are trying to arrive at truth.

Further discussions on The Neoliberal Round Podcast

Credits: Renaldo C. McKenzie is author of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality Poverty and Resistance. Doctoral candidate at Georgetown University, graduate of University of Pennsylvania and Jamaica Theological Seminary, and studied Philosophy at University of The West Indies. Renaldo is a Lecturer and Academic and working on two other books. Subscribe on any stream or at Support us at Visit us and access our services and business solutions at

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