“We Need To Stop Pulling People Out Of The River. We Need To go Upstream and Find Out Why They’re Falling In.”

#Sunday Lawrence Alexander II (he-him-his) A strategist at Carney, Sandoe & Associates quotes Desmond Tutu as saying “we need to stop pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.”
But I thought about it and hypothesized that that is probably why they haven’t stopped pulling people out. Because if you have to travel #upstream to inquire about why they’re falling then there goes the issue. Read the article in the Neoliberal blog @ “We Need To Stop Pulling People Out Of The River. We Need To go Upstream and Find Out Why They’re Falling In.”

Neoliberalism Globalization Income Inequality Poverty and Resistance in No. 1 New Release (Hardcover)

Neoliberalism is the number one new release on Amazon in #Deconstructivistphilosophy! Update: #Neoliberalism Globalization Income Inequality Poverty & Resistance #audiobook is in #production & is scheduled to be released on the author’s birthday June 14th. #Amazon #ACX will produce the work & #michaelscott will narrate. The NeoLiberal will direct the project. Neoliberalism Globalization Income Inequality Poverty and Resistance is available […]