Social service organizations that operate the Community Umbrella Agencies (CUAs) are at an impasse with the Department of Human Services (DHS) in Philadelphia; the government’s super agency that oversees and fund the CYS programs.

The NeoLiberal Round Podcast Breaking News on the Upcoming Interview with David Fair on the State of Child Welfare

In fact, some social service organizations are abandoning their CUA programs over an insurance requirement which the CUA’s can’t meet given limited funding and recent legal claims that they must pay out. 

One agency chief said: “we’re giving up the CUAs as of August 2023…We can’t afford the insurance…. The insurance costs are in the seven figures and DHS won’t reimburse. It’s a complicated story. They [DHS] have immunity because they are government, so we’re the ones who get sued even when they made the error. The insurance costs are in the seven figures and DHS won’t reimburse. It’s a complicated story.

The State of Child Welfare Part 1: David Fair Talks about the need for more funding to pay Case Managers more and revealed a breaking news story on increases in Case Managers salaries. He explained the challenge under the CUA programs and the need for an overhaul of the program. 

David went on to reveal to us that “all four of our CUAs are being transferred to new agencies. Three will move as of August 1st and the fourth around Labor Day.” David Fair, Deputy Chief of Turning Point for Children (TP4C).


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We will have David Fair on The Neoliberal Round later today talking about the state of child welfare (part 2).



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