1. Prison break, 80 % of Prisoners have escaped
  2. Police are protesting against the Police Chief accusing him of:
  3. Associating with gangs that caused the prison break.
  4. Dr. Ariel Henri the Installed PM of Haiti is currently in exile in Nairobi Kenya after meeting with officials to sign a treaty that greenlights a peacekeeping force.

Question: With all the infightings and collusions can there be a #haitianled solution and if yes, would it succeed?

Breaking News coming in as it relates to Haiti. There has been a Prison outbreak in Haiti which was orchestrated by the gangs.

In addition, the rank and file of the police are protesting against the police chief who they are accusing of working with the gangs that led to the prison break.

Moreover, Dr. Ariel Henri, who was the installed PM of Haiti is exiled temporarily in Nairobi Kenya. He went to Kenya to sign a contract/ treaty for Kenya to send a peacekeeping force to Haiti, because the gang of 4 asked Kenya and their courts rejected it however they were still working on getting a force there and had to sign a treaty. However, while there the Haitians declared that Henri was not to return and he has been there since.

We will have more tomorrow on The NeoLiberal Round Podcast and YouTube Channel and in The NeoLiberal Journals after the interview with Fr. Hyvensen Josephs, a senior Contributor to The NeoLiberal and a Scholar, Academic and Theologian, and Haitian American.


Published in The NeoLiberal Journals and The NeoLiberal Post at theneoliberal.com and renaldocmckenzie.com Renaldo McKenzie is the author of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance and Adjunct Professor  @jtsintersection  and Doctoral Candidate  @georgetownuniversity  and  @templeuniversity  Renaldo graduated from  @penn  and attended  @uwimona . Subscribe  @RenaldoMckenzie