Former President Donald Trump is set to stand trial on May 20, 2024, for hoarding military secrets at his Mar-a-Lago estate, as ordered by U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon on Friday. The trial date comes after most presidential primaries have passed and appears to strike a middle ground between the prosecution’s request for a December 2023 trial and Trump’s plea to postpone until after the November 2024 election. As Trump seeks to return to the White House, he faces a series of criminal trials, including one set for March in New York for unrelated state charges and the possibility of additional charges in connection with the 2020 presidential election interference and alleged vote tampering in Georgia.

Trial Details and Location

Judge Cannon’s ruling designates Fort Pierce, Florida, as the trial location, drawing jurors primarily from five counties along the state’s Treasure Coast, which generally lean pro-Trump. The criminal charges filed against Trump include storing highly classified documents and obstructing government efforts to recover them, all allegedly committed in Palm Beach County, where Mar-a-Lago is situated.

Judge Cannon’s Approach:

Judge Cannon was appointed by Trump and has been perceived as deferential to him and a recent ruling in the Castro V Trump case to dismiss Mr. John Castro’s case against Mr. Trump is being appealed by Castro’s Lawyers who has also requested that Judge. Cannon be removed from all cases involving Donald Trump. (You may access the latest news on the Castro V Trump lawsuit in The NeoLiberal Journals and The NeoLiberal Round: Castro V Trump Part 4). However, her early rulings in this case may seem to balance both sides’ arguments or to dismiss any appearance of bias towards Mr. Trump since her recent rulings involving Mr. Trump is under review. Judge Cannon has yet to address potential challenges with jury selection and other explosive legal issues that may arise during pretrial proceedings.

Complex Case Handling and Pretrial Schedule:

The judge rejected prosecutors’ argument that the case should not be considered “complex” and set a detailed pretrial schedule with numerous interim dates for filings and other procedures. Due to the volume of classified information involved, a special procedure for handling such materials will be established.

Challenges Ahead

Trump’s attorneys had urged the judge not to set a trial date at this point, especially during the election season, considering it impractical and unwise. However, Judge Cannon anticipates further arguments and briefings on jury selection procedures.



As the May 2024 trial date approaches, Donald Trump faces multiple legal challenges from various jurisdictions. The trial on military secrets charges marks a pivotal moment for the former president as he seeks to reenter the political arena and navigate legal proceedings amid the backdrop of the 2024 presidential election. The case’s outcome will undoubtedly draw significant attention and could have far-reaching implications for both Trump’s political future and the broader legal landscape.


This article was Written by Renaldo McKenzie, Senior Writer and Editor-in-Chief of The NeoLiberal Journals and The NeoLiberal Corporation's Moral Magazine


The NeoLiberal Journals is a publication of The NeoLiberal Corporation by Renaldo McKenzie Moral Magazine.

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This article will be discussed later on The NeoLiberal Round Podcast newest series: "Yesterday's News, Today". 

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