1. Is there race in America?
2. Why are some countries rich and others poor?
3. Neoliberal Globalization is said to be the ideal of development yet some countries like Jamaica remain stagnant, yet Barbados and Singapore have had a different result, why is that so?
4. Are countries really free and independent?
5. How effective is the civil rights movement and BLM and resistance movements fight for justice and inequality?
6. If the world is made to be so complex how can we discern injustices in the world?
7. How are people of the global south (diaspora) who escape their realities treated and perceived in the global north?
8. Does Black life matter in America?
9. What is the bureaucratic phenomenon that is behind global arrangements?
10. Are islands of the global south really paradises?
11. Will we ever resolve the problem of income inequality?
12. Is there still hope left in the hood?
13. What lessons can Jamaica teach us about neoliberal globalization?
14. What new ethics now drive American capitalism?
15. What do you mean by Neoliberal Globalization or Neoliberalism for that matter?
16. How does all of this affect the price of pork or chicken?
17. And what does these have to do with me?
The Answer:
All in one place: in the new #book #Neoliberalism #Globalization, #IncomeInequality, #Poverty and #Resistance available in paperback and Kindle at #Amazon
Or at #Barnes and Noble (#nook and paperback.)
Or at the The NeoLiberal Store
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