Yesterdays’ News, Today: Issue No. 1

Top News Stories of the Weekend: July 21 – 24, 2023 Introduction Welcome to The NeoLiberal Journals’ “Yesterday’s News Today”, where we provide a concise overview of the most significant news stories that shaped the weekend and have ongoing implications. From geopolitical developments to scientific breakthroughs, Global challenges and Studies. Stay informed with our roundup of the top headlines.   […]

Exploring Changing Attitudes towards Afro-Caribbean Beliefs in Jamaica: A Study of Socio-Political, Religious, and Cultural Influences

Research Plan: On Valuing African Identity through religious affirmations of African traditions. In this Research, we aim to “Explore Changing Attitudes towards Afro-Caribbean Beliefs in Jamaica and the Caribbean: A Study of Socio-Political, Religious, and Cultural Influences.  If you’re Jamaican, Caribbean whether living in the Caribbean region or outside of it as a member of the diaspora, in this research […]

Globalization, Nationalism, and the Challenges of Jamaica’s and Caribbean Development

Introduction: In the lecture titled “Globalization, Nationalism, and the Challenges of Jamaica’s Development,” Renaldo McKenzie provides an insightful analysis of the impact of globalization on Jamaica [and by extension the Caribbean] and reflects on the country’s current standing in the global landscape. Through an exploration of the film “Life and Debt” and various historical and sociopolitical contexts, McKenzie highlights the […]

A Critical Examination of Theology and Culture in Caribbean Perspective

As a staff reporter for The Neoliberal Journal, I had the privilege of attending a thought-provoking session on Caribbean Theology at the Jamaica Theological Seminary. The lecture, conducted by Rev. Renaldo McKenzie, an Adjunct Professor at the seminary, delved into the intricate relationship between theology and culture, focusing on power dynamics, domination, and resistance. In this report, I will provide […]

Introducing: Neoliberal Globalization Reconsidered, Neo-Capitalism and the Death of Nations

This upcoming book in the Neoliberalism series, written by Renaldo McKenzie, delves into the concept of wealth and its distribution, challenging the notion that hard work and savings lead to prosperity. Renaldo argues in Neoliberal Globalization Reconsidered, Neo-Capitalism and the Death of Nations that certain groups and regions, particularly Black and Brown people in the Global South and Global North, […]

Unpaid Freedom: Unveiling the Unsettling Legacy of West Indian Slavery

The abolition of slavery in the West Indies in 1833 marked a significant milestone in the fight against human bondage. However, the news of emancipation did not reach the enslaved population until 1865, leaving them to toil as free laborers for over three decades without compensation. This essay delves into the profound injustice endured by these individuals and examines the […]