Announcing Oppenheimer’s: The Rise And Fall Of The Student Nonviolence Coordinating Committee

Martin Oppenheimer has a new book out. It is entitled “The Rise And Fall Of The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee,” published in April 2024. The book is an expert analysis of SNCC’s history from its inception to now. With a deep understanding of protest movements in America, and his work as a Sociologist and Professor at Rutgers, Penn, and Lincoln […]

Introducing: Neoliberal Globalization Reconsidered, Neo-Capitalism and the Death of Nations

This upcoming book in the Neoliberalism series, written by Renaldo McKenzie, delves into the concept of wealth and its distribution, challenging the notion that hard work and savings lead to prosperity. Renaldo argues in Neoliberal Globalization Reconsidered, Neo-Capitalism and the Death of Nations that certain groups and regions, particularly Black and Brown people in the Global South and Global North, […]

“Black And Brown Peoples” Should Not be rich.” The Other People Should Be!

“Black And Brown Peoples” Should Not be rich.” The Other People Should Be!

It’s ok for the dispensaries to sell weed, because they call it Medical Marjuana which is legal. Taking advantage of the law that allows them to do so as they work in concert with politicians to kill the competition or Black and Brown people’s economic activity which is called street weed that they have criminalized and “illegitimatize”. Thereby, affecting the lives of those who can’t obtain ownership of dispensaries without having to meet criteria that the politicians in back rooms with lobbyists and capitalists, bankers and the special interests have made impossible or difficult for those “hippies”, Black and Brown people who don’t have certain ties that dispensary owners have. Such as certain connections, race and entitlements.

What a conspiracy…