President Biden may have made a prudent decision to reverse his plans to end Former President Donald Trump’s policy on erecting a US border wall, (see,Biden to Build New Border Wall, Touted by Trump in Policy Reversal,”) which many thought was un-American. But new reports suggest that a Border wall may be necessary. When it comes to addressing the ongoing challenges at the Mexico-US border, the knee-jerk reaction has often been to increase the number of Border Patrol agents. However, a deeper look reveals that this alone does not resolve issues related to illegal border crossings and human trafficking. Our sources suggest that some border security officials are exploiting this situation, profiting from the desperation of those seeking safe passage into the United States.

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Reports indicate that certain unscrupulous agents are charging exorbitant sums, ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 USD, from illegal immigrants in exchange for safe passage once they can afford these hefty fees. Shockingly, once payment is secured, these agents have been known to transport some of these individuals in official US patrol cars to predetermined locations, often to reunite with their families. These activities occur not only at the border but even within the confines of embassies, raising serious concerns about the integrity of the system.

Given these disconcerting revelations, the argument for erecting a border wall may not seem as far-fetched or ridiculous as it once did. While a wall would still require personnel to man the gates and check for payment, it could potentially limit the number of patrol agents involved in such activities. However, it’s essential to consider that a border wall alone is not a comprehensive solution.

A more balanced approach might involve the construction of a border wall with strategically placed checkpoints. Such checkpoints would offer increased checks and balances, allowing for more robust monitoring of the border region. Advanced security cameras and systems could be installed at these points, providing a level of surveillance and oversight that an open border lacks.

In conclusion, addressing the complex issues of illegal border crossings and human trafficking requires a multifaceted approach that goes beyond simply increasing the number of Border Patrol agents. While the idea of a border wall with checkpoints may have its merits, we must remain vigilant in ensuring that any solution prioritizes security, fairness, and the protection of human rights. Only through a comprehensive strategy can we hope to effectively address the challenges at the Mexico-US border and illegal immigration.

This article is submitted by Renaldo McKenzie, author of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance and the upcoming Book, Neoliberal Globalization Reconsidered, Neo-Capitalism and the Death of Nations. Follow Renaldo on Twitter:

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