In recent headlines, Israel vows to obliterate Hamas. But the question arises: how can you send bombs to obliterate an ideology? Hamas is not confined to a physical location; it’s an ideology deeply ingrained in its supporters. They perceive themselves as justified fighters against what they view as Western invasion, symbolized by Israel’s ongoing occupation of their lands. Hamas has a presence not only in Gaza and Palestine but also in Syria, Egypt, Iran, and various other regions. Their coordinated military response in a recent attack caught the world by surprise.

Israel’s response has been indiscriminate, hitting civilian areas without apology and showing a disregard for the rule of law. Additionally, the involvement of Hezbollah in the Middle East has heightened the region’s instability, as it has historically been.

To understand this complex situation, we must trace back to 1944 when the most powerful nations came together to reorder the world according to their goals. By 1947, Israel was created, carving out what Palestinians regard as the best part of their land. The Bandung Conference in 1955 marked a gathering of the weakest and controlled peoples, discussing their pursuit of independence. However, the 1980s saw a shift towards neoliberal globalization.

In the 1990s, the U.S. offered Palestinians a semblance of freedom in an attempt to make amends for the land lost during Israel’s takeover. The intervention of powerful countries granted the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) the opportunity for nationhood. However, Hamas and others were not convinced by the idea of outsiders granting them freedom as if their freedom were contingent upon external approval. Consequently, the peace achieved during this period proved to be transient.

In recent years, under the leadership of Prime Minister Netanyahu, Israel has extended its Jewish settlements into Gaza and parts of Palestine, disregarding existing treaties and encroaching further into Palestinian territories. This expansionism has prompted a coordinated response from Hamas.

These intricate dynamics are explored in my book “neoliberalism, globalization, income inequality, poverty, and resistance,” and in my upcoming second book: Neoliberal Globalization Reconsidered, Neo-Capitalism and the Death of Nations. You may also visit the Lectures in Caribbean Thought via our YouTube or Podcast channels exploring Independence, Freedoms and resistance. These multifaceted issues continue to shape the conflict between Israel and Hamas, reminding us of the complexities of the Middle East and the ongoing quest for a lasting peace.


News Update on the Israel-Gaza Conflict: PM of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu has declared war against Hamas. Today Gaza is out of electricity, thousands are displaced and or killed. The death toll on both sides risen to Over 2200 people, as Israel retaliate with fire power killing over 1200. Twenty-two Americans are missing possibly held as hostages by Hamas. President Biden spoke to the US and Jewish community assuring that all is being done to return peace to the regional and to bring Americans trapped or held as hostages home. US top diplomat Secretary of State Anthony Blinken left D.C. earlier today to travel to Jordan to meet with Israeli leaders to get on the ground details of the situation and to provide and show support for Israel. Other countries and groups have joined the fight against Israel, Hezbollah and Syria etc. Hamas remains defiant and the region poise itself for another major conflict.  


Note: The NeoLiberal Post published an article brief on the Israel-Hamas conflict yesterday. See the story here:

Iran’s Covert Strategy – Billions Unfrozen by US, Then Coordinated Attack on Israel And Secret Meetings with Russia, China, and North Korea

Submitted by Renaldo McKenzie, Author of “Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance,”  Editor-in-Chief at The NeoLiberal Journals and President at The NeoLiberal Corporation.
Renaldo McKenzie

Booklovers: In my upcoming #book#neoliberalglobalizationreconsidered: Neo-Capitalism and the #deathofnations; chapter 3 entitled: “Responding to #SocialInequality: Exploring the Tensions and Dialectics,” examines the ongoing struggle for #equality delving into this terse concept I raised below 13 years ago as part of my #research on #neoliberalism and the rise of #NeoCapitalism and #psuedocommunism. Coming soon…! Follow to stay up-to-date and visit or The book contains contributions by Prof. Emeritus Dr. #MartinOppenheimer. Pre-order your book by October 25th, 2023.



Note: Subscribe to The Neoliberal Round Podcast for a reading of this commentary at 8pm today October 11, 2023 on any stream.


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